Monday 9 December 2013

Get refreshments from friendship.

If I have free time, my colleagues often come to my home same as they come to café because it nears workplace. The activities that we do are cooking, playing classical music, and singing. My husband and my friends play classical guitar, and some play piano. They also cook very well. We are the gang.  This is informal meetings out of the workplace make me warm, works more fun, and life more meaningful. 


  1. Lovely pics. How do you draw over them and add cartoons like you have?

  2. H Lisa, I use " Line" Application on Mobile.
    Thanks for your comment:)

  3. Nice pics. The food also looks nice. Is it Thai culture to regularly socialise, visit friends and family?

    In Saudi, it is customary for families (even extended families) to visit their parents home every Friday for a big meal at lunch time.
